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Embracing Authenticity

Therapy has been proven time and again to successfully address anxiety, depression, panic and trauma. Finding freedom from these symptoms has been the key for so many people to unlock the door that leads to a Real relationship with themselves. While traditionally mental health treatment has focused on changing maladaptive behaviors or thoughts, a focus on “Authenticity” requires moving beyond these structured interventions into an exploration of the whole person. Authenticity could be feeling as though the life we live is the right is the right fit or feeling that we are truly “OurSelves” in all settings. It encompasses the freedom to express oneself, pursue meaningful goals, and navigate life's challenges with resilience, comfort, and confidence.

Achieving this state of authenticity requires looking directly at the uncomfortable parts of ourselves that attempt to protect us from the unknown. While Authenticity may be a goal in living the fullest and most meaningful version of a life, it is not without a very direct interaction with fear and sadness.

It’s very human of us to run from the painful. We are incredibly creative at designing strategies to avoid, manage and quickly extinguish suffering and discomfort. Because avoiding pain is our default setting, the venture into the unknown required of the pursuit of authenticity is an act of personal bravery. Walking a therapeutic path with the intention of arriving at a felt sense of Authenticity is truly a unique hero’s journey for us all. Not only does our experience of our own inner and outer lives change with finding authenticity, but these changes extend beyond us as well. I believe very much in the ripple effect created by becoming the most authentic version of ourselves. As we change, so do our relationships and then our communities. The work we do on ourselves literally has the potential to change the world around us.

In a society that often emphasizes outward success and conformity, prioritizing our own mental health and an experience of meaning in our lives is a revolutionary act. It's an affirmation of one's worth and a commitment to living life on one's terms, unencumbered by societal pressures or internal struggles.

Ultimately, the journey towards authenticity begins within. It can start with an exploration of our anxieties, our trauma, and our grief, or it can start with some essential questions; “who am I?” “what do I want out of life?” “What type of work would be best for me?” “Am I happy in my relationships?”. Therapy isn’t the only path towards the goal of authenticity, but it may one of the most direct routes.


Therapy is a creative process. I believe skilled clinicians wield the tools of their craft with poetry crafted for each unique individual. Everyone’s therapeutic journey takes as long as it takes. At Four Pillars we hope to facilitate a journey towards your own most authentic Self with patience, compassion, and insight. In order for us to feel competent facilitating a journey such as this, we are each committed to our own sense of Authenticity. While we know the journey never ends, we would be honored to share part of your path with you.

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